Guide to Net Metering in Pakistan

Guide to Net Metering in Pakistan

Net metering is a billing mechanism that allows solar energy system owners to receive credits for the electricity they add to the grid. In Pakistan, net metering is a key component of the country’s renewable energy policy, encouraging the use of solar power by making it financially viable for individuals and businesses.

How Net Metering Works in Pakistan

  1. Installation of Solar Panels:
    • Solar panels are installed on the property (home, office, or industrial setup).
    • The solar energy system generates electricity, primarily for on-site use.
  2. Excess Energy Generation:
    • If the solar panels generate more electricity than needed, the excess energy is sent back to the national grid.
    • The energy meter, known as a bidirectional meter, records both the electricity consumed from the grid and the electricity sent back to it.
  3. Billing Mechanism:
    • The electricity supplied to the grid offsets the electricity consumed from the grid.
    • At the end of the billing cycle, the consumer is billed only for the net consumption (total electricity consumed minus the electricity sent to the grid).
    • If more electricity is exported to the grid than consumed, the surplus is credited to the next billing cycle.

Eligibility Criteria for Net Metering in Pakistan

  • System Size: The minimum size for a net metering system is 1 kW, and the maximum can go up to 1 MW or more depending on the local regulations.
  • Licensing: The consumer must obtain a generation license from the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) to participate in net metering.
  • Grid Connectivity: The property must be connected to the national grid. Off-grid systems are not eligible for net metering.

Steps to Apply for Net Metering

  1. Feasibility Assessment:
    • Conduct a feasibility study to assess the potential for solar power generation at your site.
    • This includes evaluating roof space, solar exposure, and energy needs.
  2. System Design and Installation:
    • Hire a certified solar installer to design and install the solar energy system according to your energy requirements.
  3. Application Submission:
    • Submit the net metering application to your local electric supply company (e.g., K-Electric, LESCO).
    • Include necessary documents such as system design, inverter specifications, and installation certificates.
  4. Approval and Installation of Bi-Directional Meter:
    • Once the application is approved, the electric supply company will install a bidirectional meter.
    • This meter tracks the energy flow to and from the grid.
  5. Signing the Net Metering Agreement:
    • Sign a net metering agreement with the electric supply company, detailing the terms of energy credit and billing.
  6. Commissioning:
    • The system is inspected and commissioned for net metering.
    • Once operational, the system will start sending excess energy to the grid.

Benefits of Net Metering

  • Cost Savings:
    • Net metering reduces electricity bills by allowing consumers to offset their grid electricity consumption with solar energy.
  • Environmental Impact:
    • Encourages the use of clean and renewable energy, reducing the carbon footprint.
  • Energy Independence:
    • Reduces reliance on the national grid and mitigates the impact of power outages.

Challenges of Net Metering in Pakistan

  • Initial Investment:
    • The cost of setting up a solar system can be high, though it pays off in the long run.
  • Regulatory Hurdles:
    • The process of obtaining licenses and approvals can be time-consuming.
  • Awareness:
    • Lack of awareness among the general public and potential consumers can hinder the adoption of net metering.


Net metering is an excellent opportunity for individuals and businesses in Pakistan to reduce electricity costs while contributing to the nation’s renewable energy goals. With government support and increasing awareness, net metering can play a pivotal role in Pakistan’s energy sector, fostering sustainable development.

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MaxGreen Energy is at the forefront of revolutionizing Pakistan’s energy landscape with cutting-edge solar solutions tailored for homes, businesses, and industries. Our commitment to excellence ensures that you receive not only top-quality solar installations but also unparalleled customer service. By choosing MaxGreen Energy, you’re not just investing in sustainable energy; you’re securing a future of energy independence and cost savings.

Let us help you harness the power of the sun with our comprehensive solar systems, designed to maximize efficiency and minimize your carbon footprint. With MaxGreen Energy, your journey to a greener tomorrow starts today.

FAQs Related to Net Metering

  1. What is net metering, and how does it benefit me?
    • Net metering is a billing system that credits solar energy system owners for the electricity they add to the grid. It reduces your electricity bill by allowing you to offset the energy you consume from the grid with the excess energy your solar panels produce.
  2. Who is eligible for net metering in Pakistan?
    • Anyone with a solar energy system connected to the national grid and with a system size between 1 kW and 1 MW is eligible for net metering in Pakistan. You will also need to obtain a generation license from NEPRA.
  3. How do I apply for net metering in Pakistan?
    • To apply for net metering, you must submit an application to your local electric supply company, such as K-Electric or LESCO, along with necessary documents like system design and installation certificates. Once approved, a bidirectional meter will be installed at your property.
  4. What happens to the excess electricity my solar system generates?
    • The excess electricity your solar system generates is sent back to the national grid. This energy is credited to your account, reducing your electricity bill by offsetting the amount of electricity you consume from the grid.
  5. Is there a cost involved in setting up net metering?
    • Yes, there are initial costs associated with setting up a solar energy system and applying for net metering, such as the cost of the solar panels, installation, and the bidirectional meter. However, the long-term savings on your electricity bills can outweigh these initial costs.

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